
Pre-proceedings - Palacky Court RoomWithin the Pre-proceedings area, you will find pages on the following:

  • Introduction to Pre-Proceedings
    The key reforms and rationale behind the changes to work in the Family Court and care proceedings.
  • Letter before proceedings
    Guidance on the letter sent to the parent(s) and others with parental responsibility which starts the formal pre-proceedings stage. This section also focuses on the effective running of the meeting before proceedings.
  • Assessments
    Tools and guidance to support practitioners in producing succinct, analytical and evidence based assessments. Information and resources to support understanding of the  process of assessment.
  • Family and Friends Placement
    Resources for practitioners on the assessment and involvement of family and friends in care proceedings.
  • Special Guardianship Orders
    Information on the role of local authorities, including assessments, court reports and support for guardians.
  • Use of expert evidence
    The Children and Families Act 2014 (s13) applies more stringent tests on the use of expert witnesses in care proceedings. This section presents the  implications of the new requirements for practice and provides resources from local practice.
  • Legal planning meeting
    Guidance and local practice examples for running legal planning meetings. The purpose of this meeting is to obtain advice as to whether the ‘threshold criteria’ for a care order under section 31 Children Act 1989 have been met.
  • Section 20
    Guidance on the use of section 20 arrangements, and implications for practitioners of case law.

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