Having trouble playing our videos?

All our video resources are hosted on-line at Vimeo.

If you are having difficulty:

  • check that you have a current web-browser – Internet Explorer 8 and upward is supported, as well as Chromium, Firefox, Opera and Safari. Please update to the latest version that you are able - you may have to seek assistance from your IT support to do this
  • check that you have Adobe Flash support available in your web-browser – either using the embedded Adobe Flash player (http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/) itself or an equivalent
  • check that your Internet connection is not blocking our video-hosting service Vimeo. Some IT departments in organisations block video sites by default as a matter of policy or for IT security. If this is the case, speak to your IT department explaining your need and ask them to whitelist Vimeo.
  • if you are unable to resolve playing video in your browser, you can try to download a copy of the video to your media player software on your machine. We provide download links in high- and standard-definition.

Video Downloads

  • The 'Download from Vimeo' link will take you the the page on Vimeo where each clip is hosted. Below the video player, you will see a Download button. Clicking on this will present you a list of download options, typically HD for a larger, high-definition file and a smaller SD or standard definition file.
  • The video downloads use MP4 video format which is compatibile with most modern media players on Windows PC's and tablets, Android smartphones and tablets, Apple Mac and iPad.
  • In the event you are unable to play MP4 files, you may have to update your media player with a suitable MP4 video decoder. Again, you may have to seek assistance from your IT support to do this.

Please let us know if you have any other technical issues or questions in relation to this site by emailing us on ask@rip.org.uk